The Shermans and the Urantia Book
The Shermans and the Urantia Book
For believers, the Urantia Book is a revelation of truth for the peoples of our world, Urantia. It instructs us on God, angels, life after death, the cosmology of the universe, the origin and history of our planet, the life and teachings of Jesus, and our eternal destiny as inhabitants of a friendly universe. The authors, a corps of celestial beings, transmitted the teachings through the mind of a "sleeping" human being in Chicago, beginning around 1911 and ending with publication of 2095-page Urantia Book in 1955.
The details behind the appearance of the Urantia Book are shrouded in mystery, and those who knew were sworn to secrecy and passed on without revealing the mystery. These consisted of a contact commission of six individuals, which included the custodian, Dr. William S. Sadler, his immediate family, and a Forum of 30-40 individuals who met weekly at the Sadler residence at 533 Diversey Parkway in Chicago to study the revelations as they were coming through.

For five years—from May 1942 to May 1947—Harold and Martha Sherman were members of the Urantia Forum and lived across the street at 530 Diversey Parkway. During that time they clashed with Dr. Sadler on issues related to future book publication and organization plans, and their stance branded them as "outcasts" and "rebels" by the Doctor and his loyal followers, who believed the Shermans had motives of taking over the project. Through the years leading up to book publication and beyond, among the readership many hush-hush stories were told surrounding the events of those times. In 1976 Sherman published a book, How to Know What to Believe, in which he gave an account of their experience in a chapter titled "Pipeline to God." Many Forumites were still living at the time, so most of the names were changed.
In 1994 it was revealed in Martin Gardner's book Urantia, The Great Cult Mystery, that the Shermans had kept detailed diaries, which were to be released to the public in 2000. Here was the first—and to this day—only detailed eyewitness account of what had transpired during those years. Until then there were only myths, legends, sketchy hearsay and Sherman's own account, told with the hindsight of an old man 35 years later. Saskia Praamsma and Matthew Block of Square Circles Publishing copied the diaries, transcribed and edited them, and published them in five volumes as The Sherman Diaries. Currently these are being revised as The Urantia Diaries of Harold and Martha Sherman, and Volume One is already available in both print and Kindle. (Click here or on the image at right to purchase.)
In the process of researching the diaries, Saskia Praamsma became acquainted with the Shermans' daughters Marcia Lynch and Mary Kobiella, who provided additional material and photographs. In the diaries, reference was often made to a "little black book" which contained dreams and inspirational passages from Harold's "Thought Adjuster" (the Urantia term for the still, small Voice within), whom he named Ara, and these are published separately in a book entitled The Ara Messages.
Click on image to read more about The Urantia Diaries of Harold and Martha Sherman